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email marketing essentials to make your campaign a success

    email marketing essentials to make your campaign a success

    Promoting your products or services by email can be a powerful and flexible form of direct marketing. You can tailor your message to specific types of customer. You can also build customer relationships and acquire new customers through relevant, well targeted emails that interest recipients.

    1. Subject line: Many people will choose whether to read an email by looking at the subject line in their inbox. Keep your subject line short, ideally no more than 50 characters. Front load with key words and use language that generates a sense of urgency and offers an incentive e.g. ‘Women’s Swimwear – 20% Discount – Ends Midnight’.

    2. Keep it relevant, engaging and consistent: Use email marketing to tell people about things they’ll be interested in. You should keep it simple, front load your sentences with key words and consider personalising by including the recipient’s name. Consider segmenting your marketing lists based on customer preferences and interests so that they receive emails from you that are relevant to them.

    3. Clear call-to-action: Identify from the start what you want the customer to do when they open your email. Maximise the chances of successful conversion by placing your call-to-action in a prominent position and use language that encourages action e.g. book an appointment now

    4. Opting out: You’re legally required to give recipients the opportunity to stop receiving your newsletter. You must have an ‘unsubscribe’ option on every edition you send out.

    5. Measure your campaigns: It’s very important to monitor and measure the performance of your email campaigns to ensure you establish what works and what doesn’t in terms of content, subject line, time of issue etc. You should track a number of metrics including open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates.


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