Human Resource Management human resource management what is human resources skills needed for hrm todays hrm challenges writing the hrm plan tips in hrm planning selection 2 compensation and benefits 2 recruitment the recruitment process selection the selection process steps to take in training an employee types of training employee rights human resource management chapter 1 the role of human resources what is human resources skills needed for hrm todays hrm challenges cases and problems developing and implementing strategic hrm plans human resource strategic planning writing the hrm plan tips in hrm planning cases and problems 2 diversity and multiculturalism diversity and multiculturalism 2 diversity plans multiculturalism and the law cases and problems 3 recruitment the recruitment process the law and recruitment recruitment strategies cases and problems 4 selection the selection process criteria development and resume review interviewing testing and selecting making the offer cases and problems 5 compensation and benefits goals of a compensation plan developing a compensation package types of pay systems other types of compensation cases and problems 6 retention and motivation the costs of turnover retention plans implementing retention strategies training and development steps to take in training an employee types of training training delivery methods designing a training program communication strategies management styles managing employee performance handling performance employee rights employee assessment performance evaluation systems appraisal methods completing and conducting the appraisal working with labor unions collective bargaining administration of the collective bargaining agreement safety and health at work workplace safety and health laws health hazards at work international hrm offshoring outsourcing 9782 2 international hrm considerations the role of human resources developing and implementing strategic hrm plans 2 diversity and multiculturalism 3 recruitment 2 selection 2 compensation and benefits 2 retention and motivation 2 training and development 2 successful employee communication managing employee performance 2 employee assessment 2 working with labor unions 2 international hrm 2 safety and health at work 2 what is human relations achieve personal success manage your stress communicate effectively be ethical at work understand your motivations work effectively in groups make good decisions handle conflict and negotiation manage diversity at work work with labor unions be a leader manage your career