Our high quality, timely delivery underpins all good service provision and makes your market research campaign successful . Our commitment to our clients is supported by our comprehensive network, our valuable experience and flexible problem solving skills.
We envision a client relationship that is based on trust and confidence and mutual success. It is our intention to provide Field Service for Market Research and Marketing, and provide desk research and do market research.
"We quickly settled in to a good way of working - moving fast, working collaboratively, focused on quality and actionable outputs. They were flexible and client focused in their approach. Before long, we had accumulated a rich library of consumer data and created a simple but effective segmentation. We are now executing against this and are building real momentum as a result."
We support our client in their Strategic Plan, positioning their brand, company and/or products, new strategies for new products and markets among others advantages, offering our service as market research company. Marketing consultants are very valuable for all customers whose want to make up their mind about strategies for promotions, opening new markets, developing new products to satisfy end users´ requirements and for becoming a more profitable company.
# Brief
# Proposal
# Set up
# Data Collection
# Data Processing
# Data Analysis
# Report
# Report

As marketing consultants, Fulcrum resources collect a lot of information constantly from the objective market to define customers´ behavior and valuable knowledge of the trends of the market, competitors and also threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of our customers and their competitors. Hiring marketing consultants is very important and necessary for all customers to know where they stand up in their market objective.
Our capabilities include:
# Product and Packaging Research
# Consumer Behaviors Research
# Advertising Research
# Market Segmentation
# Public Opinion Research
# Brand/Image Research
# Promotion Research
# Tracking Study
# Sampling Research
We employ a variety of data collection methods at our disposal to ensure that the project is carried out to your specifications, quickly and cost effectively. We do this type of work among an extremely wide array of audiences including: C-level executives, employees, engineers, construction workers, mothers, financial editors, patients, seniors, teenagers and many others.
# One To One Interviews
# Focus Group Discussions
# Personal Interviews
# Retail Shop Audit
# Face to Face Interviews
# Telephone Interviewing
# Tracking Study
# Depth Interviews
# Mystery Shopping
# Central Location Test