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digital Marketing Strategy


    Chapter 9 Crowdsourcing 9.1 Introduction You’ve used the Internet before, so it’s very possible that you’ve come across one of the best examples of crowdsourcing in the online world: Wikipedia ( Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia with… Crowdsourcing

    Social Media

      Chapter 8- Social Media 8.1 Introduction Blogs, wikis, social bookmarks, and tag clouds: these are new words for new things and new ways to use words. You may be living in the world of social media,… Social Media

      Pay per Click Advertising

        Chapter 7Pay per Click Advertising 7.1 Introduction Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an advertising system where the advertisers pay only for each click on their advertisements. While it is most often used as an advertising system offered… Pay per Click Advertising

        Search Engine Optimization

          Chapter 6Search Engine Optimization 6.1 Introduction With millions of people performing millions of searches each day to find content on the Internet, it makes sense that marketers want their products to be found by potential consumers.… Search Engine Optimization

          Search Engine Marketing

            Chapter 5- Search Engine Marketing 5.1 Introduction Every day, all around the world, millions of people use search engines to find content on the Internet. Search engines are Web-based programs that index the Web and allow people to find what… Search Engine Marketing

            Affiliate Marketing

              Chapter 4- Affiliate Marketing 4.1 Introduction If you recommend a restaurant to a friend, and that friend visits the restaurant because of your recommendation, the restaurant’s revenue will have increased because of your referral. This is… Affiliate Marketing

              Online Advertising

                Chapter 3 –Online Advertising 3.1 Introduction Simply put, online advertising is advertising on the Internet. Online advertising encompasses advertisements on search engine results pages, advertisements placed in e-mails, and other ways in which advertisers use the… Online Advertising

                E-mail Marketing

                  Chapter 2 E-mail Marketing 2.1 Introduction At its core, e-mail marketing is a tool for customer relationship management (CRM). Used effectively, this extension of permission-based marketing can deliver one of the highest returns on investment (ROI)… E-mail Marketing

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