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eMarketing Strategy

    Chapter 19- eMarketing Strategy 19.1 Introduction A strategy is a long-term plan of action aimed at achieving a particular outcome. Tactics refer to the immediate actions taken to execute a strategy. While most of the chapters… eMarketing Strategy

    Market Research

      Chapter 18 Market Research 18.1 Introduction While the Internet was developed as a military project, the World Wide Web was developed as a tool for academics to allow information to be shared freely. This foundation of… Market Research

      Mobile Marketing

        Chapter 16Mobile Marketing 16.1 Introduction The mobile phone is a small gadget that has had a huge impact on our day-to-day lives. It has already had a profound impact on the way we communicate and conduct… Mobile Marketing

        Online Copywriting

          Chapter 14- Online Copywriting 14.1 Introduction When it comes to writing copy on the Internet, content is king. The copy on a Web page is a hardworking multitasker. It needs to provide information to visitors, engage… Online Copywriting

          Web Public Relations

            Chapter 12-Web Public Relations 12.1 Introduction Public Relations is a set of management, supervisory, and technical functions that foster an organization’s ability to strategically listen to, appreciate, and respond to those persons whose mutually beneficial relationships… Web Public Relations

            Viral Marketing

              Chapter 10-Viral Marketing 10.1 Introduction Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful. Edelman’s 2010 Trust Barometer shows that 44 percent of respondents trust “a person like me” as a spokesperson.“Edelman Trust Barometer 2010,” Edelman, 2010, (accessed May 10, 2010). In Chapter 8… Viral Marketing

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